Home>Diary>Classification of entities by purpose

22/02/24 (published 23/02/24)
Last night i was talking to someone about how people interact with eachother, said person expressed a preference towards people that decide to spread positivity and love, and all of a sudden, without noticing i had a realization, i said "there's actually something interesting about that" and proceeded to explain how each entity is can be classified by their purpose on this world, it was like i had always known about this system, but the thing is that entities can be classified by their purpose on earth by using a circular graph, in this graph none of the classes are more or less important than the others, but rather, each and every one of them are important doing their own paper from their position. In this system there are five classes of existent entities and concepts. These are the classifications of entities based or their purposes:

1: The vast majority
This class is the average person and animal. Their purpose is to be happy. They don't tend to be too complex and the other classifications can see right through some of them like a window. They spend time with their communities and just like to live their lives, nothing too complex Their act in the theater of life is just to enjoy existence.

2: The helpers
As the name says, they are entities that help others find their paths and go through those paths with more ease, they can be either support animals, lesser religious or spiritual guides such as buddhist monks or even support animals. They are wise, complex and mature, they usually like philosophy and intellectual growth, some of them are interested in spiritual awakening

3: Ill entities
These are usually described as "bad people" but they can also be rabid animals in some cases, the vast majority usually believes that it's best to isolate them, while helpers believe they can be redeemed. This class includes basically everyone that you call a "bad person" In reality they're just ill. And no, i'm not trying to justify bad actions, when you are sick you don't want to harm anyone by spreading the illness, but it forces you to, the same happens with ill entities when they hurt others or themselves. Their purpose is to become part of the vast majority or even helpers if they are interested, but the main purpose is to enjoy existence without causing harm

4: influences
This includes big figures like the pope or famous people. Their purpose is to move the vast majority and making them believe in something that makes them happy this is why influences are so important.

5: Fake entities
They aren't real, but as long as they exist even as a concept, they will be fulfilling their purpose of making reality more interesting for human entities. These include fake gods, OCs, and anything that can be considered nonexistent

There can also be a extended list including the entities that may or may not exist, said list would include:

6: The real god(s) This one depends on the religion you believe in, the purpose of this deity(s) is to keep everything in order and make sure that things are going the way they should, they also help entities to get what they need to fulfill their purposes.

And that's it i think